One can easily find most of his works through the links provided below, however dealing with pop-culture references might be tough (sigh..).

ADS Word Cloud\label{ads} For those, taking refuge among the stars, the Prime location for his work is NASA’s newest roll-out of ADS, BumbleBee.

ORCID Summary\label{orcid} Here’s a safe path to Mordor his ORCID, which one can simply walk into.

ResearchGate Profile\label{rg} For those who want to keep an eye on The Black Gate his Researchgate alter ego, safe passage can be found down the web-link.

Google Scholar Profile\label{gs} Here’s the link to his Google Padowan Scholar.

Curriculum Vitae

As if it wasn’t self-promoted enough, here’s the enterprise edition of list the of lore skills, service records, and manuscripts, some published and some in Q continuum perpetual purgatory of revision. All the Data is Laforged into a Personal Dossier. Engage, if you will wheaton.